Making European ambitions visible

Making European ambitions visible

The effects of climate change are becoming increasingly tangible. If we wish to meet this challenge within Europe and beyond this will require a substantial reduction in carbon emissions. A rapid transition to a carbon-free blend of energy is needed, for which each European member state is developing its own National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs). Not only is there a need for digital follow-up in regard of this; support and sharing experiences is also necessary. The online platform responds to these needs.

Communicating on a human scale

Although the content and the target group are rather specific, the theme itself is so broad that there was a great need to approach the assignment from as closely as possible. The approach that we unequivocally agreed upon was based on clear communication, clear data visualisations and well-thought-out user experiences. Together with the client, we thought about how this could be achieved.

Considering that no European economy or society is possible without people, we chose to show people in the images wherever we could. This enabled us to move away from anonymity and impersonal relationships. We also literally incorporated the human aspect into the branding, which can also be seen in the logo, albeit subtly. We also provided the iconography with expressions.

Initiating dialogue

‘Sharing is caring’ has become a cliché in the meantime, but how can there be a dynamic without sharing? The objective is to allow local and national authorities, civil society organisations and the academic world to engage in online dialogue. In support of this, a debate section and an extensive knowledge centre was included in This is where smart practices and experiences are shared to arrive at low-carbon policy development.

Letting go

The biggest challenge was to let go of the academic tone of voice and opt for a style of communication that can reach a broader target group. This will only increase the platform’s impact. We also opted for sharp and contemporary visuals; an approach that we have since extended to social media and off-line communication as well.

Client: Carbon Market Watch

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