Opgroeien in Brussel (Growing up in Brussels)

Visually coaching, simple, positive and involved

The challenge?

To develop communications and branding that are appealing and inclusive for the wider range of educators, experts, managers, first-line staff etc.



To link professionalism with a strong visual image that does not present barriers. Finally, they require applications to communicate their services clearly. .


The client?

VGC – Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie


• determine a communications strategy
• visual identity
• animation
• publications
• derived forms of communication


The target group?

Everyone in the field

A well-founded style

Along with the Opgroeien in Brussel (Growing Up in Brussels) team, we set out a mission and vision on the basis of questionnaires. We immersed ourselves in the target group by creating personas and testing the content against them.

On the basis of this exercise, we established that familiarity among the target group, channelling and connecting questions, giving information and transferring knowledge were the main communication objectives.

‘Coaching’, ‘Simple, ‘Positive’ and ‘Involved’

were the key words for the tone of voice with which we constructed the visual identity.


Visual summary

We summarised the complex offer of Growing Up in Brussels in a short graphical animation that explains seamlessly what they do and what they are about. At the same time, this brings the house style to life.




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